Momo-chan and the Lunar New Year

Momo-chan and the Lunar New Year

Chinese New Year has finally arrived!

To all our wonderful friends and family, we hope that prosperity and wealth and all the glorious wonders of this world will follow you wherever you may go.

In the mean time, meet Momo-chan the panda who absolutely love mandarin oranges! The tiny tot is the youngest in her family and of course, loved to bits.

Together with her bunny friend Mimi-chan, the darling duo would like to wish everyone a very Happy Lunar New Year!

amigurumei chinese new year crochet
Ni hao! (Hello!)
amigurumei chinese new year crochet
Mmm…I love the smell of mandarins!
amigurumei chinese new year crochet
I wonder if there’s enough for everybody…
amigurumei chinese new year crochet
Mom? Can we have mandarins for dinner?
amigurumei chinese new year crochet
Gong Xi Fa Cai!