Hello Kitty Crochet bow tutorial

Hello Kitty Crochet bow tutorial

This post has been long overdue!

How has everyone been? I must apologise again for the long absence from blogging and amigurumi-making.

There have been some new and exciting personal developments that have really kept me busy…and I suspect will keep me occupied for a lot longer too. It’s something that I’ve been hoping and dreaming of for a long, long time, and it has finally happened! Give me another month or so and I’ll definitely share the news okay? (hint: it has very little to do with the amiguruMEI world…for now at least)

On another note, I’ve finally sat down and made a video tutorial on how to crochet a Hello Kitty bow!


I know many of you have been asking for this. And so I present to you, the video!

And for those who want a quick fix, I’ve also snapped some photos. Please excuse the overexposed-ness. I must’ve taken a break from photography for too long 🙂

Hello Kitty Crochet bow
Start with Ch 6
Row 2: Sc 4, 3 sc in last st. Rotate work.
Row 3: Sc 9, 3 sc in last st. Rotate work.
Row 4: Sc 11, 3 sc in last st. Clean fasten off.
Thread tail through centre. Loop about 4 times over the centre of the bow.
It should start looking like this. The idea is to tighten the loop as you go along.
Tie ends at the back.
Looking good!
Make a new piece (Sc 5 in magic ring). Sew onto the centre of the bow.
Take all the yarn ends and thread them through Kitty for extra security!

Some points to note: The Hello Kitty Crochet bow crochets like an oval. That’s why we have “Rotate work”, instead of something like “Ch 1 and turn”, as that would apply for more scarf-like pieces. Anytime you see “Rotate work” in patterns, just imagine your finished crochet piece as an oblong-looking thing 🙂

There. I hope you’ll enjoy this post! I do hope to still drop in and out of the amigurumi world, but I may not be able to share free patterns for a while. There are so many storybook characters that I do want to crochet, but there’s just never enough time!

I’m sure all you crafters know what I’m talking about 🙂

Till I see you again…best wishes!

