Naughty little Pippi

Naughty little Pippi

Ahoy there!

Have you met Pippi-chan?

The tiny tot is in fact a pirate’s daughter hailing from the Swedish seas.

If one day you do meet her, just remember to not be fooled by her super-cute looks.

Pippi-chan is a mischevious little thing, and boy, does she know it.

pippi longstocking amigurumi amigurumei crochet
Arrrr! Shiver me timbers!
pippi longstocking amigurumi amigurumei crochet
I spent many moons away at sea – I have treasure to show for it!
pippi longstocking amigurumi amigurumei crochet

P/S: Pippi Longstocking is a fictional 1940s character in a series of children’s books by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren.


Photo obtained from the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award blog.


amiguruMEI in Simply Crochet magazine

amiguruMEI in Simply Crochet magazine


We’re super excited that our very own Chiyo-chan is making her UK debut in the fantabulous Simply Crochet magazine!

The full amigurumi pattern will be in Issue Five, set to be released next week!

simply crochet magazine chiyo chan

For another look at Chiyo-chan and her newfound stardom, check out the super-cute stop-motion video made by the wonderful Simply Crochet team below!