amiguruMEI Contest Giveaway: Hello Kitty Crochet Snap & Share

amiguruMEI Contest Giveaway: Hello Kitty Crochet Snap & Share

amiguruMEI author of Hello Kitty Crochet
Photo courtesy of @peyday 🙂

Ohayou! Today marks the release of my book, Hello Kitty Crochet! Woohoo!

I would like to give myself a huge pat on the back for surviving the wait…and to you too, if I could!

Please allow me to say a big “THANK YOU VERY MUCH” (本当にありがとうございました) for all your love, patience and support — I couldn’t have done it without your constant encouragement and sweet words, raring me on to continue crocheting even through the most impossible of days.

As a tribute to this very special day, I would like to announce an exclusive…



What do you have to do?

1) Go to a bookstore anywhere in the United States.

2) Snap a picture of yourself posing with the Hello Kitty Crochet books on display in-store.

3) E-mail the picture over to me at amigurumei[@]gmail[dot]com


The prize?

A surprise amiguruMEI handmade crochet doll sent to your doorstep!


Okay, so how to win?

1) Be the first three to send in a clear and pretty picture of the above. Yes, three lucky winners!

2) Be my Twitter follower @amigurumei and fellow Pinterest pinner @amigurumei or Mei Li Lee.

3) Help spread the word!


And if you don’t win…

I’ll still share your pictures on my blog and give you a nice, neat shoutout for your kind effort!


Contest deadline: 

Oct 1, 2014.


Questions, questions

1. Don’t worry! Photos can be from your phone, tablet or camera. I would prefer clear, sharp pictures but if shaky hands are your thing, send them over anyway!

2. Eligible participants can be from anywhere around the world. If you can’t be in the United States for now, why not get a friend from there to snap a picture for you?

3. Availability of the book — For now, my publishers at Quirk Books only have word that the book will be available in the United States bookstores. For my United Kingdom friends, the books will arrive in-store Oct 9. Yay!

4. For fellow Hello Kitty Crochet fans outside of the United States, please bear with us as we wait for upcoming news on the availability of the book elsewhere. In the mean-time, you can still order online via the book cover link on the top right sidebar of this page. For e-books, you can try here.

Best wishes!



P/S And now I leave you with a fancy-schmancy photo taken by my good friend @peyday 🙂

amiguruMEI author of Hello Kitty Crochet