Rory’s fantabulous magic trick

Rory’s fantabulous magic trick


amigurumei crochet
Behold my most famous magical attempt! I call it the quick-as-lightning invisible Rory trick!
amigurumei crochet
amigurumei crochet
Rory…I can still see you.
amigurumei crochet
Ah hah! I was so quick that you didn’t even notice that I was invisible! And now I’m back!


amigurumei crochet



Rory the circus lion

Rory the circus lion

amigurumei crochet

Hullo there! Can you guess who this is?

Why, it’s Rory the circus lion, who deems himself the greatest magician on Earth!

Tune in to our next post to see Rory’s first ever magic trick!

amigurumei crochet
A magician’s gotta always look his best!
amigurumei crochet
So pleased to meet you.
Welcome, 2014!

Welcome, 2014!

amigurumei crochet

Come March, it’ll be two years since amiguruMEI first made its appearance in the blogosphere!

Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for being so patient. It’s been a while since I last updated my posts but I’ve still been receiving encouraging comments from my fellow amigurumi lovers and crafters!

2013 was an exciting year for amiguruMEI – I took on several new projects and collaborations and that took up a lot of time. Hopefully, in the coming months, I will be able to share even more exciting news with everyone (and that includes free patterns, of course).

Secondly, let me share with you Mei-chan’s new look. For a long time now, I’ve been wanting to give her a new hat and so here it is! I must admit though that she doesn’t look too different, but it’s a good change nonetheless. Mei-chan, contrary to popular belief, isn’t a bear or a bunny. She is a cute little pink fox (though no one could ever say that they’ve seen her real ears) who is still a big fan of Totoro and anything Studio Ghibli-related.

In the following picture, we have Mei-chan and an image from her past – the beautiful crochet hook pouch was made by a dear friend of mine, Lynn, who had gone on a sewing frenzy not too long ago.

amigurumei crochet

It even has our name(s) on the back!

amigurumei crochet

With Mei-chan as the leader of the pack, I hope to share more exciting characters and stories with you, as they are told in the world of amiguruMEI.

Stay tuned!

Birthday girl

Birthday girl

Hey there everyone!

Please excuse us for the longest absence ever — something super-exciting is currently in the works, and that’s taking up almost all of our time (I promise to share more when I can).

By the way, have you met Satsuki-chan? She shares the same birthday as I do, and is a little darling inspired by a Hersberry illustration.

She is never without her cobalt-blue bag and cool red boots.

Her favourite pastime? Splashing about in rainwater puddles. But if that’s not an option, well, staying indoors is fine too, but ONLY if there’s a Japanese handicraft book or two to be read.

satsuki-chan amigurumei amigurumi doll
Rain rain come again…
satsuki-chan amigurumei amigurumi doll
Drats. I still don’t heart a drizzle…
satsuki-chan amigurumei amigurumi doll
Maybe it’ll rain tomorrow…
Merron-chan goes green

Merron-chan goes green

Merron-chan is four and loves the colour green.

While she’s too young to know anything about saving the environment or things like recycling just yet, she has a heart of gold, and is a cheerful girl of sorts, always on the lookout for sunbeams and white clouds.

She has yet to see a forest, or a tree house for that matter.

Just what kind of grown-up would she grow up to be?

crochet girl amigurumei
What do trees taste like?
crochet girl amigurumei
Are all buses this pretty?
crochet girl amigurumei
Are meadows just as soft?
crochet girl amigurumei
If it’s green…could it be grass-flavoured?
crochet girl amigurumei
I love sunshine and moonbeams!
An amiguruMEI Christmas Part III

An amiguruMEI Christmas Part III

crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: Hey, lookie here guys!
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: Like em? They’re homemade, especially for you two!
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: …Wait, where are you going?
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: A present for me? Oooh!
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: A new hat! Awh…you shouldn’t have!
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: I’m really touched by the effort guys…erm…you don’t think this is too much?
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: I guess not…but I have a better idea!
crochet ghibli fuzzy amigurumei
Mei-chan: Let’s share the hat, ok? Sharing is caring, after all!